Re: PS issues

At 10:56 23.09.03 -0500, Lars Clausen wrote:
On 23 Sep 2003, Wynand Winterbach wrote:
The following would be a *nasty* hack, and I wouldn't be surprised
Lars, if you don't like it:

As an interim solution for people who need to modify the PS text
for whatever reason, a startup flag (say -psfonts) could be added,
that would make DIA save text using PS fonts, regardless of the 
fact that it might look all wrong. Then, in the future releases, 
the flag could remain for backwards compatibility, with no

If we weren't at the very end of a release cycle, I might do that.  Right
now, I just want 0.92 to come out in a usable state.

Why not just add another entry to the export dialog which uses the
text based renderer (currently only used on win32) ? [Please don't
make it a start time switch, if there already i UI to do it
at runtime.]
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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