Re: HIG and Escape

On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, Ian Britten wrote:
On Sun, 09 Mar 2003 21:01:01 -0600
Lars Clausen <lrclause cs uiuc edu> wrote:

As for Glade-ifying, doesn't that require that we depend on libglade?

Excuse me for jumping into the middle of your conversation, but I think I
can clear up a (common) confusion (Assuming I understand what you're

'Glade' and 'libglade' are separate, but related, packages.  Glade is the
GUI builder application.  It lays out your dialogs (Very easy - Highly
recommended), and has no dependency on libglade.  Glade saves it's
information in a .glade (XML) file, and from this XML description, the
application can generate your compilable code (C/C++/etc) for your

'libglade' is a tool/library that can be used to instantiate a UI
directly from Glades XML file, at run-time.  It doesn't need your UI to
be compiled.  The big benefit of libglade is that you can change the XML
file (some), altering labels, constraints, etc, and you simply re-run the
application and your changes will immediately be apparent (No

Thank you for clearing this up.  Makes me a lot more positive about Glade.

We had initially used libglade, but we found it didn't work on Windows
(Several years ago - dunno now), and we also found it hard to use in a
development environment where everyone had multiple checkouts, branched
versions, shared applications, etc - Getting each app to find it's
correct .glade file (at startup) required care.
Distribution/installation requires that the .glade file be shipped, and
that it can be found when the application starts.  There may be
standardized techniques for this now, but there weren't before...

We'll stay clear of that, then, if nothing else then for the Windows port.

Thanks for clarifying the muddy waters.


Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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