Re: HIGification of dialog boxes


Gimp Dia Sodipodi style intefaces as opposed to MDI and SDI and then there
are intefaces that blur MDI and SDI together.

The terms baffle me even when people dont use the acronyms.

Intefaces like the GIMP work alright iff you have a decent window
manager.  Big IFF.

Lost of Microsoft applictions have a menu called "Windows", which is
mostly there to compensate for a crap window manager.

While I am rambling about window management, it would be really nice to be
able to stick the toolbox window to the document window (and maybe have
the toolbox strechted tall taking up the avialable space and the document
window maximsed to take up the rest of the space)


tired, rambling on and on


may as well mention Fullscreen agian for good measure



Alan H.

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