two small changes

This one eliminates one of three startup warnings (this one is caused by unref'ing a NULL font; I'm not sure if it's correct to fix it here, maybe the font shouldn't be non-NULL in the first place).

Index: ER/attribute.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/dia/objects/ER/attribute.c,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -r1.32 attribute.c
--- ER/attribute.c      24 Apr 2003 19:22:23 -0000      1.32
+++ ER/attribute.c      17 Jul 2003 20:05:14 -0000
@@ -544,7 +544,8 @@
  if (attr != NULL)
    attribute->multivalue = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr));

-  dia_font_unref(attribute->font);
+  if (attribute->font)
+    dia_font_unref(attribute->font);
  attribute->font = NULL;
  attr = object_find_attribute (obj_node, "font");
  if (attr != NULL)

This one fixes 3 existing and adds 2 new connection points in Component object in UML. May I safely add connections to existing objects without breaking compatibility ? (I've tried to load some old diagram with one component, doesn't crash).

Index: objects/UML/component.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/dia/objects/UML/component.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28 component.c
--- objects/UML/component.c    13 Jul 2003 21:11:23 -0000    1.28
+++ objects/UML/component.c    17 Jul 2003 20:36:52 -0000
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
struct _Component {
  Element element;

-  ConnectionPoint connections[8];
+  ConnectionPoint connections[10];

  char *stereotype;
  Text *text;
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@

-  assert(handle->id < 8);
+  assert(handle->id < 10);

static void
@@ -267,6 +267,7 @@
  Element *elem = &cmp->element;
  Object *obj = &elem->object;
  Point p;
+  real cw2, ch;

  cmp->stereotype = remove_stereotype_from_string(cmp->stereotype);
  if (!cmp->st_stereotype) {
@@ -300,22 +301,29 @@

  /* Update connections: */
-  cmp->connections[0].pos = elem->corner;
-  cmp->connections[1].pos.x = elem->corner.x + elem->width / 2.0;
+  cmp->connections[0].pos.x = elem->corner.x + cw2;
+  cmp->connections[0].pos.y = elem->corner.y;
+ cmp->connections[1].pos.x = elem->corner.x + cw2 + (elem->width - cw2) / 2;
  cmp->connections[1].pos.y = elem->corner.y;
  cmp->connections[2].pos.x = elem->corner.x + elem->width;
  cmp->connections[2].pos.y = elem->corner.y;
-  cmp->connections[3].pos.x = elem->corner.x;
+  cmp->connections[3].pos.x = elem->corner.x + cw2;
  cmp->connections[3].pos.y = elem->corner.y + elem->height / 2.0;
  cmp->connections[4].pos.x = elem->corner.x + elem->width;
  cmp->connections[4].pos.y = elem->corner.y + elem->height / 2.0;
-  cmp->connections[5].pos.x = elem->corner.x;
+  cmp->connections[5].pos.x = elem->corner.x + cw2;
  cmp->connections[5].pos.y = elem->corner.y + elem->height;
-  cmp->connections[6].pos.x = elem->corner.x + elem->width / 2.0;
+  cmp->connections[6].pos.x = elem->corner.x + cw2 + (elem->width - cw2)/2;
  cmp->connections[6].pos.y = elem->corner.y + elem->height;
  cmp->connections[7].pos.x = elem->corner.x + elem->width;
  cmp->connections[7].pos.y = elem->corner.y + elem->height;
+  cmp->connections[8].pos.x = elem->corner.x;
+  cmp->connections[8].pos.y = elem->corner.y + elem->height / 2.0 - ch;
+  cmp->connections[9].pos.x = elem->corner.x;
+  cmp->connections[9].pos.y = elem->corner.y + elem->height / 2.0 + ch;
cmp->connections[0].directions = DIR_NORTH|DIR_WEST;
  cmp->connections[1].directions = DIR_NORTH;
@@ -325,6 +333,8 @@
  cmp->connections[5].directions = DIR_SOUTH|DIR_WEST;
  cmp->connections[6].directions = DIR_SOUTH;
  cmp->connections[7].directions = DIR_SOUTH|DIR_EAST;
+  cmp->connections[8].directions = DIR_WEST;
+  cmp->connections[9].directions = DIR_WEST;


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