Re: Support for callbacks...

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, James Michael DuPont wrote:
I have been quite for a long time,
most of you remember my bitching and moaning, and lots of vapor ware.

There has been little interest in the cross compilation project, and
that has been put aside. I have been using dia alot for diagramming and
am very happy with it. 

I think it is possible in this lifetime to create a collaborative
environment where we can all build in simple components.

Dia will need to gives up some control over the internal representation
of the data, or aleast allow for a network access to that
representation, then we can make truly impressive application out of
I intend on building this functionality into dia. Basically replacing
the xml save with a xml-rpc post of the data. Later allowing diffs to
be sent incrementally. (undos as well). The entire system will allow
complete scripting extension of dia via any language that is able to
understand xmlrpc (all can) . 

Of course all these heavy protocols can be implemented using inline
modules that are just linked in via ipc or via static linking... but
then you lose the flexibility.

It's an interesting direction.  I guess it could be good for a Wiki-like
system for diagrams.  However, I still think most diagrams will be made
with a stand-alone local Dia, so it'd be important that the non-RPC version
(equivalent to the current Dia) should not suffer in efficiency.

However, I don't think this is the right time for such an all-encompassing
change to Dia.  We're getting closer to having something that is a viable
tool for individual use.  I'll try to steer towards a version 1.0 that has
as few incomplete pieces as possible and is internally consistent.  A
number of interface issues need to be worked out, as well as some
structural things that are essential (multi-object properties, for
instance).  Until this is done, tearing into the basis of Dia to do
collaborative versions is just going to be counter-productive.

I'm not sure what change would be necessary to make xml-rpc save, as you
suggest.  It'd be interesting to have a prototype collaborative Dia that
just sends diagrams back and forth, probably using a plugin to talk to each
other.  But I'm not going to start major changes now.  We've made so much
progress that I don't want to risk it on a new fancy thing before we have a
stable branch.

I think people would use this function of dia, and it would allow you
to make interactive web applications using dia as browser....

That's a lofty goal.  And not one that I see as particularly relevant to
Dia.  Dia is meant to support in making diagrams of various kinds, not
become an interactive web application basis.

I'm sorry if I come off as harsh, but I believe it's important to keep the
focus on what we're trying to create.  There are many, many things that can
be done usefully with Dia without turning it into a browser.  Collaboration
is interesting, and I'd like to see plugins with that intent.  Just don't
expect major changes to support it, as I'm (slowly) gearing towards a 1.0


Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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