Re: Some issues

        Thanks for your suggestion.  I used to use xfig
before I switched to dia, so I'm familiar with it.
Unfortunately, when I tried to export to xfig
some fairly simple network cryptographic protocol diagrams
the export failed, complaining that it expected an arrow
where none was present.  I took a look at the code under
the debugger, but all I could see was that something was
non-null that should have been null.

        BTW, what I'd really like to see here is to type
in the text in dia, have dia invoke latex, and then reimport
the label into the dia diagram so that I could see how it
looked.  This would be really cool, but may too specific for


On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 21:04, Mårten Svantesson wrote:
"Jon A. Solworth" <solworth parsys cs uic edu> writes:

    I just join the dia list.  Dia is a great tool and
I use it both to prepare papers and projector slides (using
pdflatex and texpower/foiltex).  But I have some problems with
using the export filters.

    1. I would like the diagrams to have latex formated
         text (so I can do math mode) in color.  I have not
         been able to find an adequate means of doing this.

A work around could be to save to Xfig-format and then use fig2dev (or
equivalently open the file in xfig and export) to make a tex file.
There are many varieties of tex to choose from, but since you seem to
prefer pdflatex I recommend whats called "Combined PDF/LaTeX" in Xfig.
Using fig2dev you have to run it twice, once for the pdf part (pdftex)
and once for the tex part (pdftex_t, you need to specify the
pdffilename to fig2dev). Check the man page for details. 

There is one catch though. In the fig-files exported from Dia fonts
are not specified to latex fonts. This can be fixed by this perl
oneliner (not heavily tested):

perl -p -e 's/^(4( \S+){4}) \S+(( \S+){2}) 4/$1 0$3 2/;' 

Another catch is that the font family choosed in Dia wont be used.
(This seems to fail in the normal usage of Xfig export as well.)
Jon A. Solworth                         
Computer Science Dept. (M/C 152)        url:
University of Illinois at Chicago       telephone: (312) 996-0955
851 S. Morgan Rm 1120 SEO               FAX:       (312) 413-0024
Chicago, IL 60607-7053

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