Re: Adding property to "line"

On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 11:19:28AM +0200, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
Huh, is it certain that a checkbox is the best thing to do? Shouldn't we
have an enum an nice graphic comboboxes like for the other line properties?
(even if we start by implementing only single and double lines, you can
already argue: how much spacing between the two lines? For instance, if the
basic line width is "lw", it may be useful to have:
      line(lw), space(lw), line(lw) 
but also
      line(lw), space(lw/2), line(lw)
      line(lw), space(lw*2), line(lw)
      foreground(lw), background(lw), foreground(lw)
      foreground(lw), background(lw*2), foreground(lw)
                              this would be a must with foreground=orange,
                              background=yellow, to sketch a quick map to
                              a destination which includes motorways

At least, SVG is mute on this topic.

It's ofcourse better to have the implementation more flexible, but I'm
actually just searching for a double-line and hope to have something working
in a decent timeschedule. 

Plus it's a good way for me to get used to the dia codebase :) If I get used
to that, perhaps I can contribute (I didn't use dia before until now, but I
really think it's going to help me with my current studies -- give or take
a few features :)

objects/standard/line.c/line_draw() affects only the "Standard - Line"

It is on the "Standard - Line" that I want to achieve the double-line
feature. But even when I clear the line_draw() function from dia, the
"Standard - Line" still shows.

When I double-click on that line, I get the properties for it (and it sais
"Properties: Standard - Line") so I'm pretty sure I'm working with the
correct object :)

        Sven Vermeulen

    Save some animals, eat a vegetarian.

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