Objects categories

What is the goal for the default sheets provided with Dia? Is it to provide a limited number of very loose categories, or a larger set of finer grained categories?

The current incarnatino (including CVS and release) has an unusual mix of both. For example, there is a very specific GRAFCET category which includes stuff related specifically to GRAFCET. On the other hand, there's "network" which includes not only network items (generic router and switch symbols), as well as a number of what I would consider "Computing" and "Telephony" devices (eg. 3.5 in diskette and mobile phone, resp.)

WOuldn't it be better to come up with slightly more cohesive categorization for the sheets? I know there will obviously be some overlap, but I think the sheets could be more intuitive for users.

What are people's thoughts on this? I'd be willing to come up with a proposed arrangement for the current objects and some recommended additions for objects we've created inhouse.


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