Re: a future Dia package for geometrically precise mathematical figures?

Le Tue, Sep 24, 2002, à 04:27:45PM +0100, Alan Horkan a écrit:

If a user has problems locating packages for his distro, he should either
learn better how to use his stuff, or change said distro, period. Hell, even

Okay so links to the relevant distributor instead.  Great.


What we should do, however, is prepare a list of "people to notify" when we
do a new release, so that binaries are prepared for the relevant
environments in a more timely manner.

Create a low traffic list dia-announce and promise only to mail people
about new releases of Dia?

I don't know if there would be enough of interest, enough of traffic (with a
yearly release ;-) ). And it would still require maintenance against
(being involved in Debian packaging, I know it's a PITA to try to follow an
upstream who is generally helpful but doesn't announce new releases)

It is tragic that the Darwin people did pass any patches back upstream, i
guess they have probably had too deal with too many unhelpful developer
groups and were too dissillusioned to bother.  Shame really.

I did not accuse the Darwin guys of not passing patches; I just don't know
if they needed to make these patches in the first place. I hope that they
didn't, and if they did, I wish they passed them back.

The Debian packaging I mention is not related to dia (AFAIK, Hallon is the
Debian maintainer for dia) (just to make sure -- my initial wording wasn't
that clear).

        -- Cyrille


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