Re: a future Dia package for geometrically precise mathematical figures?

Le Tue, Sep 24, 2002, à 07:17:22AM -0500, josac mac com a écrit:


[?1h=Hello -- glad that that there is some interest in this.

I saw that full-fledged rotation is still in the works, that is something
that would be a must for a powerful math graphics tool. If I am going to
play with the code, is it ok if I use the latest Darwin port 
(0.88.1-2, obtained through the Fink repository)?

It is OK (it's free software), but I don't think it would be the best use of
your time. I strongly suggest you get a more recent port (ideally, a CVS
snapshot, at worse, 0.90. Any subsequent release cancels the previous

Out of curiosity, did the Fink guys make a lot of changes to get dia running
on Darwin? If they did some, why didn't they submit them ? (if they didn't
need changes, you can just go ahead and port 0.90 or better, CVS snapshot,
and redo the porting yourself).

ps. Are there -any- open source programs that do constraint solving stuff,
or would dia be the first ?

check out OpenCASCADE. It is open source, and to the best of my knowledge,
it does have a full parametric engine.
Other than OC, and on a much smaller scale, you may have luck with qcad.
It's a 2D drawing program, with DXF as its native format, and IIRC has some
"snap to..." modes.

        -- Cyrille


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