Re: a future Dia package for geometrically precise mathematical figures?

Le Tue, Sep 24, 2002, à 03:16:51PM +0100, Alan Horkan a écrit:

In an effort to promote togetherness and a more unified coherent feeling
to Dia i would like to change the download
page so that it shows:

Linux binaries

No. This is a distributor issue. There is no way we can provide binaries and
be sure they work on all major combinations of 
        (CPU arch; distro_brand; glibc version)
to say nothing of mundane stuff like policy (placement of files etc, menu
entries, etc.). Let distributors (that includes *BSD) do their trade,
distributing binaries *tailored for a particular distro* (please don't make
me laugh with LSB).

If a distributor still provides 0.86, fine. Just bounce the bug-buddy entry.

If a user has problems locating packages for his distro, he should either
learn better how to use his stuff, or change said distro, period. Hell, even
cygwin has a minimalistic yet functional package download and management

Besides, I don't want to even give the impression that I support or know
anything about hardware/OS/libc I don't have access to. This is the
distributor's job. Hence, keep Darwin binaries at the Fink guys (or give me
an OSX machine. Laptop with gobs of RAM and a 3-button mouse, preferably :-) )

Windows binaries (or the last avialable ones)

Done (Steffen Macke's installer).

Darwin binaries

There are already people specialised in providing 

What we should do, however, is prepare a list of "people to notify" when we
do a new release, so that binaries are prepared for the relevant
environments in a more timely manner.

(being involved in Debian packaging, I know it's a PITA to try to follow an
upstream who is generally helpful but doesn't announce new releases)

        -- Cyrille


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