Re: DIA_PLUGIN_PATH, XSLT plug-in, and File (of diagram)->Export

Le Sun, Sep 01, 2002, à 11:41:41AM -0700, Andrew S Halper a écrit:

segfaults (I suspect due to the XSLT export filter not being loaded
somewhere in filter.c?).  This seems ungood to me.  Is it me, or can

anyone else duplicate this?

What --prefix did you build with, and what's in $(prefix)/lib/dia ?

I didn't provide a --prefix, just: ./; make; make install.  
prefix in dia/Makefile is /usr/local.  /usr/local/lib/dia is:

Can you try to wipe the contents of /usr/local/lib/dia, re-"make install",
and see what happens ?

Can you try to run dia under gdb to give us a stack dump ?

        -- Cyrille


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