Re: 0.92 rc2 fails to run 'in place' for initial tests

Le Fri, May 24, 2002, à 08:44:43PM -0700, Hugh Daniel a écrit:
  I just grabbed the latest dia candidate (dia-0.90.RC2) typed
./configure and make at it on a RH-7.2 box and got a binary that when
I run it 'in place' fails after only showing a vanity dialog (splash)
and some other dialog that just flashed and vanished.

Please read the INSTALL documentation. The binary doesn't run in place 
without some environment variables. 

  Since there are no command line options to let me tell the problem
where it's libraries are I have to presume that the program is broken


or just untestable.  Either way the result is the same in that I will
not install or use it.

  If I were an MS-GNU user running this from a menu system I would be
very much screwed and with out a clue what was wrong.

If you were a Mandrake-ish user, you'd be using prepackaged binaries; these
binaries know where to find their plug-ins, and find them because the
package puts them in the right place. We do expect anyone building from
source to read the included fine INSTALL documentation and NEWS files for
dependencies and build-time peculiarities.

  Please go make your software a bit more robust before the next

Patches welcome.

        -- Cyrille


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