OT!!! -- Re: First offered sheet


I think that one of the problems that I have with dia is the missing
concept of an application. Call me a windows user, but I dont like
fighting with all these windows. I just want them to go away and get
out of my way when i minimize the window!!!

Okay, I'll call you a Windows user.

Most Linux window managers give you a concept called a 'virtual desktop.'
You open your application and all its associated windows on a certain
desktop. When you switch to another desktop, all those windows go away.

In my case, Desktop 1 contains term windows, 2 contains Web Browser, 3
contains email, 4 contains Dia, 5 contains... you get the idea?

Then you just click on desktop #3 to check your email, then click #4 to
get back to Dia. If you're a keyboard user (like me) you bind F1 to
desktop 1, F2 to desktop 2, etc. So to make Dia go away and Email come up,
I only press F3.

I believe (and don't quote me on this, since I use virtual desktops) that
Sawfish (the GNOME window manager) has an option to cause all related
windows to minimise when you minimise an application, as well.

Tim Ellis
DB Architect, Gamet

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