Re: Testing of current CVS version, problems in svg in sketch and eps font problem, proposal for an RDF config file

--- Lars Clausen <lrclause cs uiuc edu> wrote:
On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, James Michael DuPont wrote:
The EPS output of a package
gives a too big text and it goes outside of the bounding box.
on the screen this looks fine.

The EPS font output is very new and still needs touchups.

The SVG output in sketch is microscopic,
the font information was not recognized. The lines were lost.

I don't know what SVG does for font support.  We currently output the
name as Pango tells us, which unfortunately doesn't always match the
PostScript font name.
Ok, I guess we will have to tweak the fonts via some fontmap table?
What SVG viewers do you want to support? I can try sketch.
It would be nice to start presenting a list of the interfaces to other
systems, what programs have been tested and what bugs are there in

There are no ways to rename the actor in the use case,

In the newest CVS, the cursor position is not yet correct.  You'll
that you can still edit the text.
I will try again.

or draw a line from the actor to an object without using multiple

I don't understand this.
Actor --line1-> usecase --lin2--> object
two line segements

In fact there is not any use case line symbol in the uml
toobox, but the normal lines work.

Indeed there isn't.  How would such a line look?
I think you would draw a use case line between an actor and another
thing. The use case would be in the middle automatically, and could be
moved after the line is hooked up.

I don't quite get this, either, but then I'm not familiar with the
standards of use case diagrams.
I have been using :

But if you google image search on UML use case
you get a bunch of hits. 

On this note, I would like to also add in besides the URL, 
a list of RDF like properties. These would be definable using a RDF
schema and then converted into DIA properties. I think that either
XMLLIB could be used to parse the XML and then the properties could
created on the fly as needed. Otherwise I can start looking for a
RDF lib that we can put on top of the libxml doms if there is none.

RDF in this context means Rich Document Format or something else?  

This would be the beginning of a symantic web enabled dia browser.

Please elaborate.  
Well we can use RDF to encode UML and interchagne via XMI to other

here are more links

I am looking into parsing this and understanding it.
The next step would be to feed the UML into DIA,
or run any given RDF file into VCG and then into DIA.
The URL handlers will allow for new diagrams to be created out of the
web sources...

-Lars is drowning in TLAs.
Sorry I have be reading up on all this stuff: here is a set of links
I am lookin currently into  :
RDF   Resource Description Format :

   PRIMER     :
RAPTOR - libxml based RDF parser in c :    


Using python these two are :
SAILOR -an RDF browser

CWM - closed world model prover

TOUCHGRAPH - a nice graph browser :

OWL and UML,
these guys want to use DIA as a UML/OWL tool:
and here is a DIA XSLT :

Diagrams using graph layout  :

oh you might like to put DIA somewhere on this link

James Michael DuPont

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