Re: Testing of current CVS version, Questions about how you use dia for publishing

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, James Michael DuPont wrote:
Dear All,

I have been able to compile and run from cvs.
It seemed that not all parts were built by the first pass, and I had to
run the make a couple of times. Maybe this is just do to that way that
I have used cvs. Not all parts of the code seemed to have been updated
by cvs update. What is the recommended way to cvs and build, lets say

Did it stop in the middle with some error message (e.g. conditionals not
supported by automake), or did it go straight through but failed to build
some parts?

I noticed that the UML toolset is not auto-selected when a UML diagram
is loaded. 

There isn't really any such thing as a UML diagram, there are just diagrams
that happen to have some shapes from the UML sheet.  We could make it so it
auto-selects if it finds only standard objects and objects from a single
sheet.  Of course, given that shapes can now be moved between sheets, that
may not always work.  Also, it would require some extra infrastructure to
avoid delaying loading by finding the sheet for every object loaded.
If you think it's a useful thing, please file a bug report for it.

UML support with the editing of the text of a comment on the screen is
very good.

I'd like to be able to edit any UML text on the screen instead of in the
dialog.  Not easy to implement, though.

The export of png or any raster output is missing from the cvs version,
i found an png_export export module, but have not looked how it can be
turned back on. Is there anything I can do to help?

png_export depends on libart for AA rendering, but we haven't pulled that
together with Gtk 2.0 and Pango yet.

The CPM export crashes the DIA.

Several problems with the fonts.  Tonights CVS version doesn't crash, but I
haven't looked at the output.


Lars Clausen (| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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