Re: ugh, moore's "law"

According to Maiorana, Jason <jmaiorana idirect net>:
if everyone leans on moores law it will leave us with some pretty slow
computers. People have begun to use inneficient languages such a java,
and to compile binaries to bytecode or apples "fat binaries".

Please, stop the FUD. Apparently you don't have a clue about what a
FAT binary is on a MacOS platform.

FAT binary is just a package of several architecture machine code
within a single executable (100% true in 1994 when first PowerMac
shipped, until MacOS 8.6). The idea is to conveniently distribution
application files that could run natively on both platform. Since its
inception, MacOS use resources to store static program data like
strings, icons, pictures, dialog layouts, menus, etc. A FAT binary
come with only one set of these resource. Anyway a FAT binary only
waste disk space, no RAM, bcause only the needed architecture code was
Since MacOS 9, and because of MacOS X, the idea being solely inherited
from NeXTStep that is the base of MacOS X, applications can now be
packaged into "bundles" which are basically a directory containing the
whole app, including application binaries for different architectures
(NeXTStep ran on 5 architectures, 68k, i386-mach, sparc, HP/PA,
i386-win32) They were still sharing the resources. Again, that only waste disk
space since the binaries files ARE separate.

If you want to follow-up on that, please do it privately. We are
seriously getting off-topic.

Job-less AbiWord hacker. -
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