Re: WIN32 compilation, UML Sequence Diagrams and Inheritance arrows and the spirit of GNU software.

Just updated my Dia website ...

On that note, the win32 is a popular platform.
I cannot imagine that you would just drop it.

I can (and have just done).
It is of course your perogative to do so.

I told James offlist that it would be a good way to make it really clear
the level of support you intend to provide.

by drop i hope you mean make it absolutely and unequivocably clear that
there is no *support* whatsoever for a windows build rather than dropping
it altogether.
it is really useful to be able to view dia files on windows.
I really appreciate the windows port.

We still have the easy to use installer so this all seems perfectly fair.

[i see the note on your page it is a whole lot clearer now]

your page is already not mentioned here
you might want to drop the link to your page from here
(or add something to say that the other version is the defualt)

It may not be may place to say this but it is not like that ever stopped
me before and I will say it anyway:
James your comments about the GPL were inflammatory and incorrect (I know
the GPL well enough to explain why, in detail offlist if you want).
The suggestion that files were being withheld with some sort of malicious
intent is just offensive and damaging to the moral of the community.

More carrot less stick.
When dealing with developers it is better to be unbearably nice and guilt
trip them into helping (at the very least they will be nice enough to tell
you which FM they mean when they tell you to RTFM).  From the mail you
sent me you dont seem like a badguy even if you did deliberately stir
things up.  It would be good if you could settle this whole situation
You should apologise to Hans.

Alan Horkan

PS it is probably a bit late to make sure you have read these
and maybe this one too because i like Abiword

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