Re: size of eps files exported

Le dim, sep 02, 2001, à 07:19:09 +0100, Nicholas Piper a écrit:

I can't find this at the location given
anymore. I've tried to use the CVS version but autoconf fails on loads
of things.

What's failing ? Please detail the problems; it would be great if this kind
of problems could be ironed out before the actual 0.89 release (or at the
very least, workarounds documented and new FAQs answered).

Is .89 available still, or should I try fix the autoconf stuff
(probably missing things)?

.89 is not yet available; this was a test release.

I don't think this is the bug though. Dia has *always* given massive
exports as long as I can remember. I've been waiting for the day a
"Scale" comes along, but as it hasn't yet and I'm starting to get
bitten by the sizes I thought I'd ask if I'm just missing it.

Except the already mentioned bounding box bug, I've never seen such massive
scales (YMMV on the actual size of your diagrams, however, I think I've got
a few onew which qualify as "extensive" if not extremely complex).

        -- Cyrille


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