Hi! One thing I've really been wishing for is that dia could have some better command-line file export support. What I'd like to do is to have dia (from the command-line) 1) change the scale (let's say, 30%, fit to page, etc.) 2) export to any of the supported formats. So for instance I have 10 dia files. They all should be converted to xfig format (.fig), and they should use a 30% scale. I want something like this: for F in *.dia do dia --scale 30 --export-format=fig $F done -- Regards Abraham Troubles are like babies; they only grow by nursing. ___________________________________________________ Abraham vd Merwe [ZR1BBQ] - Frogfoot Networks P.O. Box 3472, Matieland, Stellenbosch, 7602 Cell: +27 82 565 4451 Http: http://www.frogfoot.net Email: abz frogfoot net
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