Any more progress with Visio <=> Dia interchange methods?


> I read the archives about attempts to move files between Visio and Dia -
> have there been any more developments by anyone?

No, but we've determined that the most feasible way is probably to use OLE
on a machine with Visio to convert.  Other programs do that.  If we get
that running, we could even set up a conversion server.  Don't know of
anybody working on it, though (does anyone have a copy of Visio installed
at all?)

I have a (pre-MS) copy - I was trying to avoid re-installing it on my newly installed Win4Lin v3.0 (running on RH7.1) because I want to get rid of as much Windows crap as possible but if it will help the development process I am happy to of course.

I have never done anything with OLE though - it seems like that shouldn't be a problem if someone is willing to point me in the right direction.



Philip Rhoades

Pricom Pty Limited  (ACN  003 252 275)
GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW      2001
Mobile:  +61:0411-185-652
Fax:  +61:2:8923-5363
E-mail:  philr mail austasia net

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