Le mar, jui 03, 2001, ? 12:30:16 +0200, Arne H?rseth a écrit:

I have just started to use Dia and find it to be a great application! I am
also a fan of the SVG graphics format. There are a few things I would like
to mention regarding the SVG support.
- All objects turn out black loosing all color information (at least with
the Adobe SVG viewer and Jasc WebDraw).

Well, it seems we do have a problem here. I've exported the file attached
here, and tried to reload in Sodipodi (0.23). The rectangle was black
(correct border), the blue arc didn't appear, and all line widths were way
too thick (like 10 times too thick, "by nose view").

I don't know which of dia (CVS) or sodipodi is wrong. I'd suspect us, but
would like confirmations. 

This is definitely a Normal bug, to be reported in the bugzilla.

- Jasc WebDraw complaints about unknown doc type and attribute "text-align"
when reading SVG exported by Dia. This may be bugs in WebDraw though.

I don't know. 

- The generated SVG-image tend to be to big when used directly on a web
page. It would be nice to be able to set scale when exporting (also for
other document formats).

A scaling control may be desirable, indeed.

- SVG allows links. Could this be added as attribute properties for objects?

This has been suggested from time to time. It could also be good for PNG
export (to export an image map together with the object). This should be
reported in the Bugzilla as a wishlist, but hasn't been.

- SVG allows java scripting. I am sure script handling is out of scope for
Dia but it would be nice to be able to at least have attributes like "on
mouse over" and beeing able to handcode java script for the various events.

As the SVG spec allows that, you can always write a transformation tool to
re-add the event handlers. But as you'll have to fill them by hand anyway,
is it that big a task to manually add handlers ? (I really don't know).

A few other things:
Pressing the "Del"-button doesn't work. Ctrl-D does however. Is this
something with the setup on my PC?

might be a real "bug" (well, minor I think). If you don't know how to fix
it, please report it to, module "dia", so
bore^Wpeople in search for tasks can pick it up. Also, there are also two
other bugs above, the first one should definitely be reported. You spotted
it, please take credit for reporting it :-)

Is there a port to Windows? should have what you want.

If not do you think it would be possible to compile and run using the Cygwin
tools and libraries?

AFAIK, it hasn't been done, at least not on the whole tree. It would be good
actually to be able to compile using mingw32 instead of MSVC (this might
help people debug some Windows issues using WINE... or Wine issues more

        -- Cyrille

Attachment: foo.dia
Description: Binary data

Attachment: foo.svg
Description: Text document

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