
I have just started to use Dia and find it to be a great application! I am
also a fan of the SVG graphics format. There are a few things I would like
to mention regarding the SVG support.
- All objects turn out black loosing all color information (at least with
the Adobe SVG viewer and Jasc WebDraw).
- Jasc WebDraw complaints about unknown doc type and attribute "text-align"
when reading SVG exported by Dia. This may be bugs in WebDraw though.
- The generated SVG-image tend to be to big when used directly on a web
page. It would be nice to be able to set scale when exporting (also for
other document formats).
- SVG allows links. Could this be added as attribute properties for objects?
- SVG allows java scripting. I am sure script handling is out of scope for
Dia but it would be nice to be able to at least have attributes like "on
mouse over" and beeing able to handcode java script for the various events.

A few other things:
Pressing the "Del"-button doesn't work. Ctrl-D does however. Is this
something with the setup on my PC?
Is there a port to Windows?
If not do you think it would be possible to compile and run using the Cygwin
tools and libraries?

Best regards

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