Re: Google Hangouts support

On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 14:21:34 +0100, Simon McVittie <smcv collabora com> wrote:
On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 at 11:42:40 +0300, pecisk gmail com wrote:
Is there any interest/desire to see Google Hangouts support in Empathy and
Telepathy? Or as Telepathy is on it's way out it is no interest?

Telepathy can't have Google Hangouts support unless someone
reverse-engineers the protocol (which is closed/proprietary, if I
understand correctly) well enough to write a "connection manager"
(protocol backend) for it. The design of Telepathy means that Empathy
would immediately get basic support for any protocol where a connection
manager exists; but writing that connection manager is a significant
amount of work.

There's the Telepathy-Hangups connection manager:
It hasn't received updates for years, but provided that it's just an adaptor
for Telepathy that uses the Hangups library, which is the one actually
implementing the Hangouts protocol, that maybe is not much of an issue. Also,
Hangups seems to be well maintained:

Note that I have never tried any of the above myself. So YMMV.


 Adrián 🎩

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