Re: Matrix as a replacement for Telepathy

2017-08-25 8:46 GMT-03:00 Felipe Borges <felipeborges gnome org>:

Telepathy was designed as a framework which could have various
"Connection Managers" (in the telepathy terminology). A Connection
Manager is responsible of doing the actual communication with a given
server through a given protocol. Telepathy has connection managers for
XMPP, SIP, IRC, etc... see [0]. For instance, Polari uses Telepathy
for the IRC protocol.

Does that mean that you would have to create a client for each protocol just to maintain a framework?
I mean that Polari was probably created to make an IRC-specific client and be able to take more advantage of the characteristics of IRC (something difficult in a multiprotocol client) ... why did Empathy not be improved instead?
All in all, if desirable, Matrix and GNU Ring could be connection
managers in Telepathy instead of standalone bits.

I don't understand the logic of creating new connections with Telepathy when gnome-ring client already exist. In the case of Telepathy besides creating new connections, it would have to create new clients (additional work?)
Specific clients could be created backed by Telepathy, e.g. no need to
rely on Empathy.

In practice it is the users who don't have a messaging system well integrated with GNOME (gnome 3 promise). Is there any alternative client to Empathy?, what other clients are currently using telepathy?


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