Re: and meson and devhelp

On Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 08:33:09AM -0500, mcatanzaro gnome org wrote: is going to have some problems because for meson modules
'ninja dist' does not include generated gtk-doc files in the tarball. At
least one maintainer is working around this by manually generating tarballs
with gtk-doc included instead of using 'ninja dist'. I don't recommend doing
that since that's equivalent to skipping distcheck. It's better to use
meson's dist target. is just going to have to learn to
build docs itself.

Is anybody working on Anyone interested in taking on
this task? Otherwise it is going to be stuck with outdated docs.
When implementing this, it would be nice to take also into account the
following feature request for Devhelp, to download the latest versions
of the API references directly in Devhelp (something that I would like
to implement in the future, I don't know when):
"Have the latest stable/unstable GNOME API references"

I think the need for Devhelp is similar to the need for storing somewhere on a list of tarballs
with the docs, alongside maybe an XML/JSON/whatever file listing the
tarballs with some additional info. Then library-web or Devhelp can
download the XML file, then download the new tarballs, andthen do its


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