Re: Death of gnome-common

On Mon, 2015-06-22 at 10:44 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
On Mon, 2015-06-22 at 16:36 +0100, Philip Withnall wrote:
Do we require automake 1.13 though?
Looks like it was released January 1, 2013... so we should.
We *could*; doesn’t necessarily mean we *should*.

 Automake 2.0 isn’t out yet (though
it looks cool), so I’d be tempted to leave in the ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS
recommendation for backwards compatibility until automake 2.0 is
released, and then bump everyone’s dependency to automake 1.13 and 

Unless you think automake 2.0 is being released imminently, and we
should instead be adding a hard dependency on automake 1.13 and 
AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS to begin with?
Automake 2.0 is supposed to be released later this year, and automake
1.13 has been around for a while, so I would definitely go straight 
As Kalev says, we should ensure this still builds with various distros.
RHEL7 is fine. Debian stable (Jessie) has 1.14. Fedora has had ≥ 1.13
for a long time. Arch has 1.15. FreeBSD has 1.15.

So unless anybody objects, I think a hard dependency on automake 1.13
would be fine.

Would you mind updating the wiki page to match your suggestions?
Probably also makes sense to update

which is a separate, though related, goal.


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