Re: Anyone going to be using ConsoleKit for 3.16 ?

Hi Ray.

Thanks a lot asking about this.
OpenBSD *will* keep using ConsoleKit for 3.16. I expect that we should be able to be rid of it for 3.18 -- 
either using systembsd (far from ready) or the logind implementation that ConsoleKit2 is expected to 
provide iirc or ... something else.
There are several other components of GNOME that still have "some" ConsoleKit support (at least in 3.14) 
and I would not mind removing such support for 3.16 if and only if reverting the removal is easy and not 
too intrusive.
Not that I have a big say about it but...

I forgot to mention that in its current form, GDM is broken by the way:

The commit breaking CKit support was:


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