Re: new maintainer for gnome-dictionary?

Hi all,

I added myself to the doap file. However, the commit was rejected while
pushing it to the repo because the file is not valid. Apparently it is
missing a 'description' property. Could I add one? I would copy the
description from the debian package:

"GNOME Dictionary can look for the definition or translation of a word
in existing databases over the internet."

What do you think? It's quite short, but...

Thank you.

Best regards,

On Thu, 2014-10-09 at 08:17 +0100, Ross Lagerwall wrote:
On Wed, Oct 08, 2014 at 08:59:52AM +0200, Juan Rafael García Blanco wrote:
Hi all,

I dare to propose myself for maintainer. I have almost no experience in
maintenance (I maintain libchamplainmm, which doesn't count); I have some
experience in development (gnome-spaceduel, and some patches here and
there; gtkmm and clutter-gtkmm do not count either).

I assume you would most probably reject my candidancy; in case you don't
please do not hesitate to contact me for more info.

I think having a new maintainer with an interest in the module is
certainly better than completely unmaintained module...

Perhaps Sindhu S could spare some time if you need help?

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