Re: Passive resistance [was: Re: Announcing GNOME's official GitHub mirror]

I'm not a module maintainer, just a community member trying to make sure
you don't make your relation to GitHub tighter than it already is.

GitHub probably has cool features and is probably the best of its kind
(which helps free software), but on the other hand it is proprietary and

I don't believe anyone has the right or the ability to decide what's
more important in the name of all the contributors to GNOME or the whole
community of users, which is why I suggest a switch: Let maintainers
turn off the mirroring. Let them decide how they fight centralization.
After all, they're the ones who do the actual work, not the few people
who make decisions.

Straight people can fight for gay people's rights. And I can fight for
maintainers' rights.

Even if a country has only one religion, it can choose to respect other
religions if they show up in the future. In the same way, I suggest to
make the switch even if no current maintainer asks for one (although
I've seen messages from maintainers here).

On ו', 2013-08-16 at 10:23 -0400, Hubert Figuière wrote:
On 16/08/13 05:22 AM, fr33domlover wrote:
Judging by replies here, I'm afraid there's no enough interest. All the
names I recognized here support the GitHub mirrors, while the voices
against them are people whose name I never saw, or are maintainers of
less popular modules.
Please, tell us since you haven't answered the question I asked before.
Which Gnome modules do you maintain? Since you were "opposed" to your
code being put on Github that would give some context.

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