Re: Passive resistance [was: Re: Announcing GNOME's official GitHub mirror]

On 16 August 2013 07:48, fr33domlover <fr33domlover mailoo org> wrote:
True, I don't suggest to prevent the mirrors: Just not automate. Anyone
can create a mirror manually, and it's their freedom to do so. But I
don't think maintainers should have their modules automatically synced
to GitHub without allowing them to switch it off.

May I suggest that you read the GPL[1] again?

Term #1 of GPLv2 says, "You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of
the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium."

A maintainer of a GPL v2+ module has absolutely no right to stop
anyone making a public exact copy of the software (automatic or
otherwise). The license does not allow him to discriminate against
companies that he doesn't like. See also #5 and #6 of the Open Source



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