Re: Concerning Keyboard Status Menu

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 9:22 PM, Mathieu Bridon
<bochecha fedoraproject org> wrote:
> That's just a bug, let's fix it.
> You seem to know how these could be fixed, why don't you do it, or help
> others who could?

The desired feature list can be very extremely long. Though it may be
good to explicitly list them out.
Anyway, one thing is quite hard for us.
Some companies have server to collect the input data of input method
users and update their phrase databases with the help of human
editors. Then they push the phrases databases to users, in a
categorized manner.

> It actually is open to third-party engines.

Repeat, by default third-party engines are filtered out. And their
essential property menu are also filtered out so currently only
ibus-anthy and probably ibus-hangual is ready to use.

> Is it because the built-in engines in Windows suck, or because people just
> enjoy trying new stuff all the time?

It is because people always want better stuff and there is a competing
market for that, period.

Think Chinese input methods as something has flavors. The idea that
there will be one flavor suitable for everyone is really arrogant.

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