Re: Some points about IM integration

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-05-14 at 23:39 -0400, Owen Taylor wrote:
>> I don't want people to draw the conclusion that because I'm saying that
>> input methods should have simple configuration without a lot of options,
>> I think that they aren't important. I'm very aware that every single
>> user that comes to GNOME and wants to write in Chinese needs to use an
>> input method. But if we have so many options that the defaults don't get
>> well tested, or if options conflict and produce bugs, then we're not
>> shipping a good ';';'''''''
> [ I'm sorry - had an input problem here - but attributable to a crumb in
>  my keyboard rather than anything to do with input methods:-) ]
> then we're not shipping a good product. The configuration should be as
> complex as it needs to be but no more.

Sorry for my later mail, I didn't catch up this.
> I don't think there are easy answers, because there are a lot of people
> out there who really want to make input work well and work well with
> GNOME. So, mostly what I can do here is try to explain a bit about
> the way we usually think about things in GNOME and what we consider
> successful UI.
> - Owen

As long as we put our point to UI part, that may not be my expert field. :)
I think you guys know this part better than me.

But actually I hope there is some possibility for other developer to
work on theirs gnome integration.
Since some code in gnome-settings-daemon branch seems will be going to
shutdown the door for them even if they want. (I mean, without patch)

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