Re: Module Proposal: Zeitgeist

On Thu, 2012-04-19 at 02:20 +0200, Seif Lotfy wrote:
> So let me try to take "Web" use cases that could use Zeitgeist:
>       * The user wants to type in the location bar and have
>         suggestions pop out while typing. 
>       * The user wants to blacklist some websites or all websites
>         starting with "porn" from being stored in history
>       * The user wants to disable history completely temporary
>       * The user want to know where he downloaded a file from

And quoting you:
> This has nothing to do with design honestly.

Seems that you disagree with yourself. How do you know if something is
the right tool when you don't know what you're going to build?

You should focus on that.

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