Re: Attention anyone uploading binaries to - understand the GPL

On Thu 22 Sep 2011 16:17, Colin Walters <walters verbum org> writes:

>   "Ige-mac-bundler copies all of the files you indicated in your bundle
> file, and also pulls in the dependencies it can find, and it adjusts the
> install paths to reflect the new locations."
> You need to list the corresponding source code for *every one* of these
> libraries.  Otherwise we have no idea - it's whatever version of gtk+
> etc. happened to be installed on your workstation.

You should be able to take a jhbuild checkout and run "jhbuild snapshot"
to generate a jhbuildrc for the exact sources you have checked out.
You can use that to tar up the "corresponding source".  It might have
bitrotten, but I wrote it for this purpose.



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