Re: no external panels for gnome-control-center [was GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup]


2011/5/12 Sergey Udaltsov <sergey udaltsov gmail com>:
> How can Redhat compete with SUSE if
> both of them use GNOME that defines _final_ user experience?

This is just absurd - distros were never supposed to compete with each
other (if I had my way, anyway) - just check the Internet where people
been cringing about such infighting over 1% user share that the Linux
desktop commands. If GNOME is competing against anyone, it's Microsoft
Windows, Apple's OS X and maybe a select few others.

Maybe you should check up on e.g. Red Hat's or Novell's business
model. And compare it with the business model of less successful
distro companies. Hint: it's not about how the desktop user experience
is defined. Or what set of kernel patches that is being carrier. Or
whether the distro bends over and ships illegal kernel modules in the
name of "competing" with other distros.

> I think the idea that GNOME is the final-final product is
> unrealistically selfish.

You know what I think is selfish? Treating GNOME like it's just a
factory spitting out technology, at your bidding, that you can put
together as you see fit. And then not giving any credit or
contributing your changes back upstream. Think about it.


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