Re: GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup

On Tue, 2011-05-10 at 15:49 +0200, Michael Terry wrote:
> Hello!  You may remember me as the bloke that proposed the Déjà Dup
> backup tool as a GNOME module a little back, right as modules were
> being reorganized.
> I've been encouraged to try again as a Feature.  I don't fully
> understand the process, but I gather an email to this list starts it
> off.
> Here's a quick thousand foot view:
>  * Homepage here:
>  * It's a backup program aimed at non-technical users.
>  * It's a graphical wrapper and policy manager for the backup program duplicity.
>  * It's included by default in Fedora 13 on and will be default in Ubuntu 11.10.
>  * It follows the GNOME schedule and best practices already.
> For the next major version (20.0), I've done a redesign aimed at
> making it more "invisible" and appear as part of the OS.  I've made it
> live just as a control center panel and removed some branding to look
> a bit less like a separate app.  See
> for screenshots.
> Déjà Dup 19.1, which includes those changes, is already in Fedora
> Rawhide and will be in Ubuntu Oneiric once we land the GNOME 3 control
> center.
> I suspect GNOME might be interested in having a "backup story" so I'm
> offering this one.  And I'd be happy to have increased design advice
> and developer eyeballs.

+1 for extra applications. I think there are many valid use-cases when
backup is not needed (kiosk, /home on NFS with internal backup).

Currently I'm missing:
 - The off-line storing to external hardware. I.e. I have relatively
small disk in laptop so I cannot store too much on it. The same goes for
network. Preferable I'd like:
    - Make backup daily to disk. Preferably with vary low priority
    - When I connect disk to computer I'd like to have copy all backups
 - The snapshot feature. Many FS (say ZFS) or block devices (LVM) allows
to create a snapshot of disk. The deja-dup possibly could policykit to
allow snapshot of volume:
     DD: I'd like to snapshot $HOME
     Daemon (I assume after auth): (a) Here it is /mnt/snapshot/XYZABC
                                   DD: Uses /mnt/snapshot/XYZABC to
                                   DD: Ok. I don't use it anymore
                                   (b) I cannot make it
                                   DD: ok (do backup directly)
   For large $HOME it may be preferable


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