Re: Module Proposal: Zeitgeist

On 24 April 2010 00:59, Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 16:52 -0400, Curtis Hovey wrote:
>> On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 19:01 +0200, Seif Lotfy wrote:
>> > Our current development is heavily based on launchpad.
>> > We are discussing the issue and we don't see a problem to have our
>> > trunk from launchpad ported to git with every release. However we do
>> > want to keep our development branches in bzr+launchpad. So with every
>> > branch merge with our launchpad trunk we can sync it with the gnome
>> > trunk. The bigger issue will be bugzilla. We will have to tackle both
>> > launchpad and bugzilla simultaneously.
>> I think Launchpad + BZR and GNOME + git can interoperate fine.
>> I think you can:
>> * use bzr-git to push your Launchpad trunk to GNOME git
>> * setup an import of the git branch and make it trunk
>> * Use launchpad for development, translations, and reviews
>> * Use bzr-git to commit your approved branches to GNOME git.
>> You can request a rescan of GNOME git (takes about 5 minutes) to get the
>> changes back to Launchpad.
>> If you need assistance, I can help. If I cannot help, I am sure someone
>> from the launchpad-code team can explain the workflow.
> I think the question is, is this OK for a GNOME module?
> The main point of requiring use of GNOME infrastructure for GNOME
> modules, as I see it, is that anybody in the GNOME community can
> immediately jump in, start helping out, and start contributing to the
> module. And also, that people working on your module can seamlessly move
> over to working on other parts of GNOME. It's being part of the GNOME
> community.
> If the Zeitgeist community is centered around Launchpad and bzr and
> wants changes submitted as launchpad branches SNIP

No one ever said that we wont accept git branches. Anything submitted
as a patch or git branch will merge just as easy as any bzr-based
contribution. The only thing that may be more inconvenient is the
"hack directly in trunk"-workflow that is inherent to the monolithic
VCSs of old, but not so much of modern DVCSs.

But anyway, as you also point out (if I understand you correctly), if
ZG ends up as an external dependency it should stay external to the
Gnome infrastructure. And the fact also remains that Gnome is not the
only project that has interest in ZG since KDE and the mobile
community has shown interest as well.


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