Re: GNOME DVCS Survey Results

Le mardi 06 janvier 2009 à 05:18 -0500, Behdad Esfahbod a écrit :
> Josselin Mouette wrote:
> > That’s foolish. We are certainly not going to clone 208 repositories for
> > all GNOME packages we maintain. Especially when the tools to manage
> > Debian packages with DVCSes are still inferior to those we have for the
> > current svn+tarball scheme.
> Just because you don't do it doesn't mean that the idea is "foolish".

Let me elaborate a bit more. We want to provide self-contained packages,
and by them I mean they include the vanilla upstream tarball, and the
series of patches we apply on top of them. It is important especially
for our QA and security teams that we share the same package format with
the rest of the distro, and we finally agreed on a tool-neutral format
that will be adopted in the next months.

If we want to generate such a format using a cloned repository, we need
to make feature branches for each of the patches we currently apply.
There are then tools that will rebase the repository using the tarball
and serialize the patches, so the rest is mostly automated.

This move is affordable (and a clear long-term win) for big packages
with lots of patches like gtk+ or epiphany. It is not for most of
others, for which we use a VCS mostly as a distributed filesystem. 

Furthermore, our ability to make this move is independent from the
repository format used upstream; the only thing that will change if you
switch is that it will reduce our choice of tools. In the end, you have
your own reasons to move away from svn, but please don’t use downstream
as an excuse.

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