Re: GNOME DVCS Survey Results

Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Le mardi 06 janvier 2009 à 17:21 +0900, James Henstridge a écrit :
>> I'd hope that any DVCS would get a larger user base than current list
>> of active Subversion committers: anyone who contributes patches via
>> mailing lists or bugzilla could use a DVCS the same way as a core
>> developer.  The same could go for anyone who does distribution
>> packaging.
> That’s foolish. We are certainly not going to clone 208 repositories for
> all GNOME packages we maintain. Especially when the tools to manage
> Debian packages with DVCSes are still inferior to those we have for the
> current svn+tarball scheme.

Just because you don't do it doesn't mean that the idea is "foolish".

There certainly has been interest from multiple distros to move to a
DVCS-based workflow.


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