Re: Time for the annual bugzilla statistics!

On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 11:50:22PM +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
> Thanks to Olav for running the script (he did so on Jan. 6th instead of
> early Jan. 1st, so the stats might have a slight skew, but it's unlikely
> to have had a major effect).

Last year it was the same.. also ran only on 6 Jan.. so it isn't so bad,
we have 1 year of data. For some reason either we switch machines and
forget about cron. Or change code that as a side effect breaks this

> Detailed information can be found at
> Please keep in mind to not draw too many conclusions from these values. 
> Some highlights from the main page are:
> Overall statistics:
>                                 2007    (2006)   (2005)
>   Open reports at the end(*):    33967  (26942)  (18888)
>   Opened in that year:          114043  (67543)  (37845)
>   Closed in that year:          108807  (59006)  (34196)
>     (*): Excludes reports marked as enhancements
>     [A valuable number of reports has also been blocked 
>      by GNOME Bugzilla's auto-reject feature.]
> The following people closed more than 4000 bugs in 2007:
>   9800 Tom Parker
>   7047 Susana Pereira
>   6882 Bruno Boaventura
>   6649 Pedro Villavicencio

For some reason the people making these overviews:
1. Often are at the top of the triager list
2. Never mention themselves


#1 triager for 2007:
  14254    Andre Klapper

Many thanks!


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