Re: Need input from the community for anjuta (was Re: Proposed module: anjuta)

Il giorno dom, 06/01/2008 alle 23.47 +0100, Vincent Untz ha scritto:

> If you use anjuta, speak up. If you have tried anjuta, speak up. If the
> name anjuta makes you feel something, speak up. If you want to be the
> next big movie star, speak up. Now.

Hi, as a new contributor to the GNOME project, I must say that I'm all
for the inclusion of Anjuta into the platform, as that, together with
Devhelp, are the tools that made easier for me to start writing patches
and code.
I used Anjuta for quite a long time now and I've seen many progress in
its development. I'm not following SVN, but I'm using the "unstable"
releases and I've rarely seen a crash or strange behaviour. Devhelp and
Glade integration are already there and work great, and I recently read
[1] that new features are coming in too.
What I miss is a better autocompletion support when using GtkSourceView,
which has some minor flaws, and support for git and "modern" VCS other
than CVS and SVN.
So, all in all it's a big +1 for me.

[1] -



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