help needed with non-US time zones for clock applet

(Specifically, if you live in [or are knowledgeable about] AR, AU, BR,
CA, CN, CD, GL, ID, KZ, MY, MX, RU, UA, or UZ, please read this. Thanks :)

Vincent has just committed the patches to fix the "clock applet guesses
the wrong timezone" bug, but this relies on
libgweather/data/ having the correct timezones listed
for various places.

For large countries that span multiple timezones, it takes some work to
get this right. I spent a while getting the US right, and I did some
investigation on most of the others, but there are still places where
the information is wrong (especially in the non-English-speaking
countries, which it was harder for me to find reliable information about).


    - Argentina: /usr/share/zoneinfo/ lists 11 zones, though
      Wikipedia claims that there is only a single zone for the entire
      country. It's possible that the other 10 zones reflect historical
      distinctions that are no longer relevant. I assigned the whole
      country to America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires. Is this right?

    - Australia: I assigned a timezone to each <state> in AU, but
      /usr/share/zoneinfo/ has multiple zones for most states,
      so some <location> entries on the edges of states may need to
      override the <tz-hint> inherited from their state.

    - Brazil: /usr/share/zoneinfo/ lists 15 zones. I did not
      even bother trying to figure them out, and assigned the whole
      country to America/Sao_Paulo.

    - Canada: I assigned a timezone to each <state>, and split things up
      further within states in a few cases where it was easy to
      distinguish timezones by longitude. Still needs some tweaking
      around the edges.

    - China: 5 timezones listed, but everything I've seen says that
      only Asia/Shanghai is still in use. Right? (Taiwan and Hong Kong
      are listed separately.)

    - Democratic Republic of the Congo: 2 timezones. I assigned the
      whole country to Africa/Kinshasa

    - Greenland: 4 timezones, several locations. I assigned the whole
      country to America/Godthab

    - Indonesia: 4 timezones, somewhat guessable based on longitude.
      Probably not 100% right though

    - Kazakhstan: 5 timezones. A few of the <location>s matched the name
      of a timezone, but the remaining ones got defaulted to

    - Malaysia: 2 timezones on widely separated islands, so I think I
      got these right just going by longitude.

    - Mexico: 8 timezones, many <location>s, not divided into <state>s,
      so I didn't even try sorting them out. Everything got

    - Russia: 15 timezones, many <location>s. Everything got

    - Ukraine: 4 timezones, Everything got Europe/Kiev

    - Uzbekistan: 2 timezones, Everything got Asia/Tashkent

If you can provide better data for any of these, please check out
libgweather, add <tz-hint> lines to the appropriate <country>, <state>,
or <location> entries in data/ (the <tz-hint> has to
come immediately after the <_name>; run "make check" when you're done to
validate the XML), and submit a patch to the libgweather product on Thanks.

-- Dan

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