reload icons from /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/apps/ after installation of app


the installation of the app that I am developping is placing a set of icons 
in /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/apps/ (also in 16x16, 32x32...).

The postinst script puts a .desktop file on the user's Desktop, which calls 
for one of these icons. (I know that putting stuff on the desktop is not 
perfect behaviour...)

After the installation is finished, there is my new Desktop file visible on 
the Desktop, but with a placeholder icon. Only after logging out and in  
again the nice icon that I placed in ...48x48 is shown.

How can I tell Gnome Desktop to reload icons 
from /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/apps/ (or from ...16x16 etc.) so that the 
icon referenced in the .desktop file gets shown without the need of logging 
out and in again?

I am using Debian Etch.

many thanks


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