Re: Battstat-applet and GNOME 2.19.x

As I said months ago when this discussion was up, I think that
battstat-applet icon is far more informative at one glace than
gnome-power-manager icon.
Last time I checked at least.

I think the problem is that the icon has this grey border, like a
glass border or something... In any case, a good idea would be to
abuse a little more the colors.

Also, right now the tray is already over abused and I would be against
having to put yet another thing there. In a classic panel setup this
doesn't sound evil but in more customized layouts the story can be


PD: kudos for the birthday of g-p-m!.

On 3/24/07, Richard Hughes <hughsient gmail com> wrote:
Okay, I'm re-opening an old discussion:

Can we remove or deprecate battstat-applet for 2.19.x?

GNOME Power Manager is being shipped by 99% of the distros, and it's
just confusing to have another battery applet in the "Add to panel"
dialog, especially now as they sometimes show different numbers.

Seeing as GNOME has a formal external dependency on HAL, I don't see how
the argument of g-p-m not running without HAL is still valid.

So, let the discussion commence. Thanks,


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