Re: Proposed module: gnome-main-menu

Rodney Dawes wrote:

It's slow on FIRST RUN. Subsequent runs are pretty much instantaneous.
The panel is also slow to start up. When you have to load a hundred or
so files off disk, and parse them all, there's going to be some
slowness. The panel appears less slow, because you're not *starting*
the menu during your session. It's already running, and the slowness
is at startup of the session, rather than when pressing the menu icon
on the panel.

I was talking about two things there:

 - the time to show the "more apps" window, which is obviously slower
   than the menubar, even after several clicks-and-close. (I didn't
   consider the time to have the menu on the panel, since as you said
   the current menu has it too). You could argue this is because of my
   old setup but that's still slow.

 - the time to access individual elements when you know what you want to
   do. slab usually requires more clicks and more mouse travel than the
   current menu, for no real added ease of use.

It follows the theme colors.

Does it really use the theme colors for what they have been defined ? I'm quite surprised because I did never see any blue title before trying slab.

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