Re: Proposed module: tracker

I don't think you have to be a blessed dependency to get excited over
new functionality, or to add it as an optional support via #ifdef to
other software. gnome-power-manager was being shipped in 90% of the
GNOME distros by default before it was accepted into the desktop set.

I agree, but its easier to get people excited and say in the GNOME
release notes that "Gnome 2.18 supports tagging of any item" than it
is to see "Application X conditional supports the use of tracker for

Don't get me wrong, I think tracker *and* beagle are very cool, but
until I can do all the stuff with tracker I can with beagle I know which
one I would install by default. This is no critisism of effort or code
quality, this is just an end user opinion.

Aside from indexing evolution emails tracker does everything I need
and more, it also brings a lot of new features to the table, such as
tagging and blinding performance.

Grab some high-up redhat, suse, ubuntu distro people and ask them why
they ship beagle by default and not tracker. If you can come up with a
convincing argument, and one of the big three [1] start shipping the
code then it becomes much easier convincing us difficult-to-please GNOME
guys. :-)

True, but I dont think the historical reasons for shipping beagle are
a relevant measure  for the usefulness of tracker to the GNOME desktop
going forward.

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