Re: GUnique [Was: gnome-utils branched for GNOME 2.16]

On 9/23/06, Steve Frécinaux <nudrema gmail com> wrote:
Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Can we use it as-is (or as well-defined cut'n'paste code) in GNOME 2.18 and
> plan towards migrating to a GTK+ 2.12 version in GNOME 2.20? Let's at least
> have a plan for it, otherwise we're just adding yet another [as above] with
> little active thought for our users, distributors and platform consumers.

Mh, why would it target GTK+ and not Glib ? I'm asking this because such
a "Unique Instance" stuff would also be useful for daemons that
(obviously) shouldn't link with GTK+ since there is usually no UI for
There's a lot of window manager interaction that needs to be done for
GUI apps to ensure that startup-notification works properly.  GUnique
needs to make use of both gdk and gtk calls to make sure things work
properly (not to mention it has to employ hacky workarounds until the
patch in bug 347375 is incorporated into gdk & gtk).

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