Re: Getting to Topaz (Was Re: getting on a longer release cycled)

BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
I think you are 100% right and that it is important for GNOME to
narrow its focus. For example, if GNOME limited its focus to computers
with 256 MB of RAM, then...
I was proposing to narrow Gnome by ideology (implementation style), Havok - by desktop tasks (implementation scope), you - by hardware requirements (implementation details). What is more viable?
And it is not just the memory requirements for GNOME that needs to be
decided. I agree that choosing a specific target niche would be very
useful. Problem is, how are you going to do it? GNOME doesn't have a
BFDL ( so WHO would decide what the
target niche is? Many of the most successful free software projects
(Linux and Python for example) have a BFDL, that person has a clear
vision about how they want their product to be. Everyone else has just
to accept that vision or leave the project. GNOME is different in that
regard, different developers have different visions and when they
clash, big debates erupt on this mailing list.

Debates that really doesn't solve the problems and doesn't find a
common ground...

There is an interesting observation on how laws are being developed in the USA: they are formulations of common practices. I.e. those laws do not try to change behavior of people, instead they enforce something that already exists and works. That's why I propose with a pure conscience a position of Gnome Moderator (who is not a Dictator but an anti-crisis manager). It is very common for an on-line community to have a moderator.
With a moderator endless debates would be impossible since there will be 
a man to whom you could prove that your practices (of vision of 
practices of others) are efficient and deserves to become a law. 
Currently people just express their opinions without any effect - a 
boiling water inside a teapot that could otherwise become a steam engine.

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