Re: Getting to Topaz (Was Re: getting on a longer release cycled)

Travis Watkins wrote:
On 9/12/06, Ed Mack <lists edmack com> wrote:
A democracy arises because allowing everyone a say in running the
country is not feasible. We already have structures where everybody can
voice opinion, and if you think you can do something better you are free
to patch/fork anyone elses code (as a programming domain example).

Technically, a democracy is everyone having a say in running the
country, you're thinking of a republic. I do agree that we don't need
a "Sheriff" or any such thing. People need to stop asking for
permission to do things and just start doing them. If someone doesn't
like the work you're doing they then have to a) help you fix it, b)
make something that works better, or c) live with it.

Ahem... Afraid of a sheriff? Why? (-;

There is no freedom without rules. Without rules there is anarchy, chaos, nonexistence. Our visible universe is built around strict physical laws, such as gravity. Only due to those laws we could enjoy freedom: to walk, to run, to speak, to drink, to kiss (and not only to kiss!), to eat, to read, etc.

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